I've made a YouTube channel! Finally. I've been meaning to do it for ages and upload lots of the old workshops I used to give through ArtTrader Magazine. I've already added a few, including this fun little one - 10 Minute Art Dolls, Voodoo Style. It makes a cute little project for Halloween art dolls to hang in a window.
This template comes with two pages. The first page has the faces and stitches already drawn on. The second page features only the body and limb shapes so that you can draw your own faces and whatever else you want to add.
The YouTube video is just a quick little walk-through on how I paint my dolls and put them together with brads.
It's almost Halloween! The best time of the year!
Download the PDF here and view the video walkthrough here.
Please don't distribute this file. I'd prefer it if you linked back to this blog if you want to share! Thanks :)
Sounds like fun, enjoy your youtube channel! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteJust super that you share your techniques with us !
ReplyDeleteLove those bear dolls so much!
Super channel Sal!
oxo Susi
Oh my gosh, thank you! I've been drooling over your work for eons now, and I finally have something of yours to color! I've got a week-long epilepsy monitoring stay coming up, and I'm looking forward to the looks I'll get coloring and assembling these in my bed! You made my day!
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